Thapelo Moremi

The Elite are always on the watch for a “Black Messiah"

The Elite are always on the watch for a “Black Messiah” because it’s the representation of the end of their counterfeit “Kingdom” which is comprised of the Vatican Church, the Federal Reserve, the British Monarchy system & the United States Corporation that’s connected to Wall Street. 

When the real Sun of man comes, sent by Anu, he’ll possess extensive & high levels of transmissional knowledge that will transform the minds of the masses & those who are Chosen to receive that transmission intuitively will separate amongst those who are sub mentally stagnant on a 3rd Dimensional level as the Chosen ascend from the ignorant. 

This new & higher knowledge will not come from your pastor or anyone in religion, it will not come from your favorite celebrity, nor will it come from politicians. It will be someone that will come to destroy the illusive fallacies of Babylon aka “Western Culture” & those who venerate the perception of money, material, & false religion will demonize him for speaking truth & we’re in the time right now.

 Dr Malachi York was the first one & there will be another one very soon who will edify everyone to the point it’s understandable to the young generation & older generation. 

The government doesn’t give a fuck about you marching, protesting, causing anarchy… they’re afraid of supreme intelligence that will raise the vibration of the planet. That’s the reason why NASA was created, to chart the stars on when this transmissional knowledge will be streamed down from the higher dimensions to Sun & then projected to Earth during this Aquarian Age.The Babylonian system and one world government are crumbling down.

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