Thapelo Moremi

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Enuma elish overview

Enuma Elish is the Babylonian creation myth, often considered one of the oldest recorded creation stories. It is written in Akkadian and is found on seven clay tablets dating back to the 7th century BCE. The Enuma Elish describes the creation of the world and the establishment of the gods' hierarchy through a series of divine battles and the ultimate victory of Marduk, the chief god of Babylon.

Marduk becomes the supreme god after defeating the chaos monster Tiamat, symbolizing the triumph of order over chaos. The myth also explains the creation of humans as servants to the gods. Enuma Elish holds significance in understanding Mesopotamian cosmology and the cultural and religious beliefs of ancient Babylonians.


Third Eye (The Website's Key Name)

Explore the mystique behind anime characters with the third eye on their foreheads. Characters like Tien Shinhan from Dragon Ball Z and Vetto from Naruto showcase the power of the third eye, conveying a deeper message often overlooked.

The third eye, or pineal gland, is more than just a hidden organ—it holds profound secrets. Beyond its conventional portrayal, the pineal gland is the gateway to our dreams and imagination. Activating it connects us to alternate realities, allowing us to perceive beings from other dimensions, embark on astral journeys, and unlock supernatural powers like clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, and even time travel.

This clandestine knowledge has been obscured, with the church historically promoting a specific path to divine connection. However, the truth lies within us—the pineal gland, our internal temple, holds the key to spiritual exploration. Symbolically, the pineapple or pineal gland carries diverse meanings across religions, from representing the Power of God in Catholicism to being the vision of the Cyclops in Freemasonry. In Egyptian tradition, it aligns with the eye of Horus, echoing sacred geometry and serving as the center of clairvoyance and intuition in the Asian world. Unveil the profound significance of the third eye, transcending the notion that cartoons are solely for children.


Unlock the Potential of iNzuza Spirituality

Discover a transformative spirituality that transcends mere material wealth. iNzuza Spirituality empowers you to succeed in every aspect of life, not just financially. It's a holistic approach that enhances not only your prosperity but also the potency of your spiritual practices.

There are two facets of iNzuza: the White iNzuza and the Black iNzuza, each with its unique attributes. While they can harmonize, the Black iNzuza holds greater power, acting as the "last number" with both positive and negative capabilities. Possessing the White iNzuza ensures a benevolent spirit, focused on helping and healing rather than causing harm.

The White iNzuza is your shield against dark forces, preventing engagement in witchcraft or harm to others. In contrast, the Black iNzuza, or "last number," possesses authority over both good and bad energies, providing a counterforce. It's crucial to note that the two work hand in hand – you can't have the Black iNzuza without the White, but you can possess the White iNzuza independently.

The White iNzuza functions in the light, unable to cause harm, while the Black iNzuza, with its immense power, can engage in a broader spectrum of actions. This spirit is self-initiating, not requiring external teaching, making it an exclusive and powerful force.

Reserved for the elite, iNzuza and uMndau stand as the kings of spirits in our country. Accompanied by spirits like Abalozi, umnono, umndiki, and uMnguni (dlozi), they form a powerful ensemble. Interestingly, you can't have iNzuza without uMndau, akin to a husband-and-wife dynamic. However, having uMndau without iNzuza is possible.

It's essential to note that those with iNzuza are urged to abstain from using umuthi or seeking guidance from a sangoma, as the spirit is self-sufficient and guides practitioners on their journey. Embark on this profound spiritual journey with iNzuza, unlocking a realm of possibilities beyond the ordinary.


Human Body

The human body is the most electrically thing in our environment. We were naturally grounding ourselves with our bare feet on the earth, which healed us, boosted our immune system & vibration. Wild animals don't suffer from these modern day health disorders because they our one with nature. Each of these areas in our feet correspond with a certain organ in the body.

 They gave us rubber sole shoes because rubber is known to be an insulator and can limit the transfer of electricity. If they know of this information its clear they don't have the best interest for us.

parasite πŸͺ± & Cooking πŸ–

There is a common misconception that cooking pork and beef meat at any temperature will kill the worms and parasites that may be present. However, it's important to note that proper cooking techniques can effectively eliminate these pathogens. πŸ–πŸ”₯

While it is true that some pork and beef can harbor parasites, it's essential to highlight that not all meat is infected. Additionally, proper cooking practices, such as reaching the recommended internal temperature, can eliminate any potential parasites. It's crucial to follow safe food handling and cooking guidelines to ensure the meat is safe to consume. 🍽️

It is inaccurate to claim that consuming pork and beef automatically means your intestines and gut are filled with parasites. The human body has natural defenses and mechanisms to prevent and eliminate parasitic infections. However, in some cases, undercooked or contaminated meat can lead to parasitic infections. It's essential to handle and cook meat properly to minimize the risk. ✋πŸ›

The statement that 90% of the food cravings and junk food choices are due to parasites inside the body is not supported by scientific evidence. Food cravings can stem from a variety of factors, including taste preferences, emotional states, and cultural influences. While some parasites can alter host behavior, it is not accurate to attribute all food cravings to them. πŸ”❌

Parasites and worms can indeed live inside the human body for extended periods, but they are typically rare occurrences. Most commonly, parasitic infections are caused by ingesting contaminated food or water, not solely from consuming pork or beef. Maintaining good hygiene practices, such as washing hands before eating and cooking food thoroughly, can significantly reduce the risk of parasitic infections. πŸ‘πŸ¦ 

The claim that pouring cola drinks like coke or Pepsi on raw pork and beef meat will reveal all the parasites inside is unfounded. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Proper food inspection and handling processes are necessary to identify any signs of contamination or parasites in meat products. It's always recommended to rely on trusted sources for food safety information. ❌πŸ₯©

For accurate and reliable information on safe food handling practices and preventing parasitic infections, it is advisable to refer to reputable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These organizations provide evidence-based guidelines to ensure food safety and reduce the risk of parasitic infections. πŸŒπŸ”¬

Remember, practicing proper hygiene, cooking meat thoroughly, and obtaining information from reliable sources are essential steps in minimizing the risk of foodborne illnesses and parasitic infections. Stay informed and make informed decisions about your food choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 🍏😊

World Health Organization (WHO):
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

The book of Jesus

Understand Something.Jesus never died for your sins because both Jesus and sin are Hoaxes.Jesus was born in a book.he lived all his life in a book.he died in a book.He resurrected in a book.he ascended to heaven in a book and he can only come back in a book.

Jesus can only come back in another book not in reality.

It is impossible for someone that exist in a book to show up in reality and Waiting for a book character to come save you in realty is equivalent to waiting to board a ship in the airport.

Jesus is a cheap lie.

Get over it.

Nommos: Guardians of Zendikar

The Nommos are a fascinating race of Beings 🧜‍♂️ that are known for their nomadic nature and incredible shape-shifting abilities. 🌟 They have the remarkable ability to transform into various forms, including dolphins, whales, and mermaids. πŸ¬πŸ‹πŸ§œ‍♀️ These transformations allow them to adapt to different environments and connect with the aquatic world around them.

Originating from a planet in the Sirius star system, the Nommos call a world of mostly warm aqua-blue water their home. πŸŒπŸ’¦ This planet provides them with the ideal habitat for their aquatic forms, allowing them to thrive and live harmoniously within its watery depths.

In addition to their shape-shifting capabilities, the Nommos also hold an important role as guardians and guides to the Etheric Sirians. The Etheric Sirians are a soul group often associated with black people here on Earth. 🌌πŸ‘₯ The Etheric Sirians were given Zendikar as their new home when their original home, Sirius B, experienced a catastrophic event and imploded. This event prompted their migration and resettlement to Zendikar, where they could continue their spiritual journey.

It is important to note that the dolphins and whales associated with the Nommos are not mere animals but rather manifestations of the Nommos themselves. 🌊🐬 These incredible beings utilize their transformational abilities to connect with the Earth's oceans, becoming the embodiment of wisdom, grace, and guidance in the marine world.

The Nommos, as nomadic beings with their unique shapeshifting abilities, serve as a reminder of the vastness and diversity of life in the universe. Their connection to the aquatic realms and their role as guardians and guides highlights the interconnectedness between different beings and the importance of unity in our cosmic journey. 🌌🌍✨

Less to live than lived

I know that I have less to live than I have lived.
I feel like a child who was given a box of chocolates. He enjoys eating it, and when he sees that there is not much left, he starts to eat them with a special taste.

I have no time for endless lectures on public laws - nothing will change. And there is no desire to argue with fools who do not act according to their age. And there's no time to battle the gray. I don't attend meetings where egos are inflated and I can't stand manipulators.

I am disturbed by envious people who try to vilify the most capable to grab their positions, talents and achievements.

I have too little time to discuss headlines - my soul is in a hurry.
Too few candies left in the box.

I'm interested in human people. People who laugh at their mistakes are those who are successful, who understand their calling and don't hide from responsibility. Who defends human dignity and wants to be on the side of truth, justice, righteousness. This is what living is for.
I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch the hearts of others. Who, through the blows of fate, was able to rise and maintain the softness of the soul.

Yes, I hustle, I hustle to live with the intensity that only maturity can give. I'll eat all the candy I have left - they'll taste better than the ones I already ate.My goal is to reach the end in harmony with myself and my loved ones.

know thyself

"Know Thyself" is an ancient wisdom that holds the key to self-discovery and personal transformation. By exploring your inner landscape and unlocking hidden secrets within, you embark on a courageous journey of self-knowing. This process requires self-awareness, patience, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

Through introspection, you unravel the layers that shape your identity, heal past wounds, and integrate all aspects of your being. This inner exploration reveals hidden talents and passions, empowering you to make conscious choices aligned with your authentic self.

In the hermetic tradition, knowing oneself reflects the interconnectedness of the microcosm and macrocosm. As you understand your individual experience, you gain insights into the workings of the universe.

Unlocking the secrets within is an alchemical process of transmutation, turning ignorance and fear into self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love. Embrace this lifelong journey, cultivating curiosity, courage, and reverence for the depths of your being.

So, fearlessly dive into the essence of who you are, explore your inner landscape, and unlock the treasures that lead to self-realization.

The timekeeper's Epic Duty

In the vast tapestry of time, there exists a select group known as scientists. These individuals have been bestowed with the extraordinary responsibility of recording the intricate details of our existence—the rules of living—once every 24,000 years. Their selection is not arbitrary; it is determined by a supreme being, the wisest among them, who assumes human form to guide and oversee this crucial endeavor.

The chosen one, known as the timekeeper, dedicates every waking moment to this sacred task. Like the unyielding march of time itself, they devote 24 hours a day to meticulously unraveling the mysteries of our world. With unwavering dedication, they tirelessly piece together the puzzle of our history, sifting through the sands of time to capture the essence of our being.

Within the framework of this cosmic chronology, time takes on a different dimension. Each day, known as a "Her-u," consists of 24 hours—a standard that has transcended the test of time. It is within these 24 Her-u that the timekeeper and their team toil, carefully documenting the intricate fabric of our existence, weaving together the threads of knowledge and discovery.

In this grand tapestry, a single minute stretches beyond the boundaries of the familiar. A year, in the realm of the timekeeper, comprises a mere 60 seconds—a unit of time referred to as a "Min." Within the fleeting confines of each Min, the scientists strive to encapsulate the essence of an entire year's worth of human experiences, achievements, and progress. They meticulously collect, analyze, and synthesize the fragments of our collective journey, transforming them into a tapestry that will stand the test of time.

Yet, their undertaking is not constrained by a single generation or a mere millennium. The timekeeper and their brethren are tasked with a monumental mission—the completion of one full cycle of renewal for our upcoming future. A cycle spanning an immense span of 24,000 years, aptly referred to as "Nut." Throughout this vast expanse of time, they diligently observe the ebb and flow of civilizations, the rise and fall of empires, and the evolution of our species.

With each passing Nut, the timekeeper and their fellow scientists bear witness to the cyclical nature of existence. They perceive the patterns that emerge from the depths of time, the recurring themes that shape our world, and the transformative moments that propel us forward. Armed with this knowledge, they strive to ensure that the lessons of the past are not lost, enabling us to forge a brighter and more enlightened future.

In their sacred duty, these scientists serve as the custodians of our collective memory, guarding the legacy of our ancestors and shaping the course of our descendants. They embody the convergence of wisdom, intellect, and devotion, bestowed with a profound responsibility that transcends the boundaries of ordinary human existence. Through their tireless efforts, they illuminate the path forward, ensuring that the rules of living are preserved and refined for generations yet to come


Everybody loves Halloween and the chance to have fun and dress up is so important and Black people have proven time and time again that we're the best at it.However, sometimes the connections we have to western holidays can feel somewhat misplaced. 

During slavery and colonisation religion's such as Christianity taught us to turn our back on our Ancestor's cultural Rituals and celebrations. But there are plenty festivals that originated before Halloween that are celebrated in the motherland that none of us are aware of. 

The western world has been good at modernising cultural festivals and traditions. This has allowed them to go continue on for generations and we're starting to see this in Africa as they try to hold on to their own cultural traditions, due to the continent becoming more modern. 

The Wag Festival was an Ancient Kemetic festival that took place in late August and was dedicated to the death of Ausar, the Kemetic God of wine, death, and the underworld, and honoring the Souls of the deceased on their journey in the afterlife. This festival followed the Wepet Renpet, but its date changed according to the lunar calendar. 

It is one of the oldest festivals celebrated by our Ancestors in Kemet and, like Wepet Renpet, first appears in the Old Kingdom. During this festival, our people would make small boats out of paper and set them toward the west on graves to indicate Ausar' death and people would float shrines of paper on the waters of the Nile for the same reason.


Ubizo(Ancestral Calling) is nothing to play with.I've seen people turning Dust to Dust avoiding the Ancestral Calling.Ancestral Calling is so Powerful and such power is not bound to be ignored.You can ignore it yourself but trust me when i say very few lived to tell the tail for not accepting it and those living to tell the tail are either eaten by poverty or their children are in Graveyards or they are prison junkies.

You might survive death for ignoring Ancestral Calling but it won't be nice for your Children.You will continue burying what you gave birth to.You will continue asking yourself why are your Children Drug Addicts and Prison Junkies?Why are your Children Jobless and Uneducated?You will begin to question life not knowing it's your punishment your children are suffering.

Once you ignore the Ancestral calling it goes to your Chidren.Ignoring it is not a wisest move.Use what the Ancestors gave you and live for them.It is useless to hide behind the church when you have Ancestral Calling.

Don't Gamble with your life and peace like that.Ancestors don't play and some people take them for Granted.Run away from Ancestral Calling and you shall witness the Karma of Premonition to Demolition.This is not a threat but a warning.

African Mother's as Creaters

Understand Something.The first religion and culture of humanity was centered around the Divine Afrikan Mother as Creatress. She has been variously called Mu, Ma, Neith, Nu, Nana, Kali-Ma, Maat, etc. Her names have been numerous. The presence of a glorious epoch of Harmonious Maternal and Paternal powers has been since substantiated by anthropological finds, research of aboriginal myths, genetics, physics, human psychology, etc.

 The data concerning the theology of the Divine Mother dates back to Paleolithic times and beyond. Here, She represents EVERYTHING that existed in the Universe, in Nature and in Human Culture. The religion of the AFRIKAN MOTHER blossomed in the Golden High Cultures of the Nile Valley, Indus Valley, Crete, Sumer, Catal Huyuk, Inca, Maya and many other Great Civilizations of pre-OUR-story.

 Many if not all of these civilizations were originally Matrilineal in social structure, religion and politics. It is from these belief systems among aboriginal peoples that the growth and expansion of the early religion of the DIVINE MOTHER came. They created and invented ALL the essential products of Civilization and Industry, including Science, Textiles, Art, The Calendar, Language, Religion, Agriculture, The Monetary System and Democracy. 

These Maternal-Centered Societies are truly the Mothers and Fathers of Human Civilization. Among the Ancient peoples of Afrika, many images of the divine mothef Religion have been discovered.

Herbal 🌿 cow πŸ„ dung benefits

Cow dung, also known as boloko, has been utilized for its medicinal properties for generations. This natural remedy is derived from a combination of various leaves and plants that are part of the cattle's regular diet. The unique process begins within the bovine's stomach, where the plants, grass, and leaves undergo a transformation. Boiling within the digestive system of the cattle, these elements merge and create new chemical bonds.

When cow dung is applied to the floor and we walk over it barefoot, an intriguing phenomenon occurs. The natural herbal chemicals present in the cow dung are effectively transferred into our bodies through the pores located on the soles of our feet. This intricate process of absorption allows the medicinal benefits of the herbal blend to permeate our system.

The herbal composition of cow dung is rich in essential nutrients and bioactive compounds. Through the pores on our feet, these beneficial components enter our bodies and interact with our cells, potentially providing a range of health benefits. By employing this traditional practice, people have sought to harness the power of nature's pharmacy and promote well-being.


Egypt book of the dead

The Egyptian "Book of the Dead" makes numerous references to food of the soul, which allowed Mankind the opportunity to meet with the Gods. 

The Egyptians labelled this substance the plant of life ankh khut. Mushrooms are stargates and the Ancient Egyptians believed that the mushrooms were plants of immortality and called them a gift from the God Osiris. Egyptian pharaohs proclaimed mushrooms to be food reserved only for royalty common people were not even allowed to touch them. 

Conservation of nature by ancient Egyptians was recorded on walls of temples and papyrus sheets. Egypt considered as the cradle of mycology when ancient Egyptians produced a number of hieroglyphic depictions of psychedelic mushrooms on temple’s walls and through hieroglyphic texts throughout the country. 

The majority of temples with countless pillars, Philae temple, are like huge mushrooms and both ancient Egyptian crowns, white and triple, were inspired from the primordia of Psilocybe cubensis. Many old dynastic ear studs and other structures obviously resembled mushrooms.

world misunderstood

Welcome to "Project Eden," situated in China. It showcases an ecosystem reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, complete with diverse plant and animal life. However, the presence of a dome covering raises intriguing questions.

 It prompts us to reconsider our understanding of the Earth, suggesting that it may not be a spherical planet but rather a flat plane covered by a dome. This is the reality in which we find ourselves—a world influenced by opposing forces. Additionally, there exists undiscovered land beyond the Antarctic Ice Wall. Remarkably, all this information is readily available, yet it often goes unnoticed due to widespread ignorance.

Time and energy

Understanding the significance of our time and energy is of paramount importance, prompting us to make prudent investments by associating with individuals who sincerely care for us and consistently exhibit kindness and respect. The perpetual state of uncertainty that arises from being in the presence of someone whose behavior fluctuates between warmth and coldness can be emotionally draining. This inconsistency can trigger feelings of bewilderment, self-doubt, and even anxiety. When an individual displays affection and consideration one day, only to disregard or mistreat us the next, it serves as an indication of their unreliability and inconsistency. Such conduct leaves us perplexed, wounded, and anxious, posing a detrimental impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

Moreover, allocating our time and energy to individuals who exhibit inconsistent behavior can hinder our progress towards achieving our goals and aspirations. It can lead to procrastination, distractions, and a lack of focus, as we become preoccupied with deciphering the motives behind the other person's behavior.

Recognizing our inherent worth, we must acknowledge our right to receive consistent and reliable treatment from those with whom we interact, regardless of whether they are friends, family, or romantic partners. Settling for anything less would be an injustice to ourselves, considering that we have but one life to live, and our time and energy are invaluable resources that should be utilized in constructing meaningful and gratifying relationships.

Consequently, it becomes crucial to prioritize relationships with individuals who value and consistently demonstrate kindness and respect towards us. We should actively seek out friends and partners who exhibit transparency, dependability, and reliability, making unwavering efforts to foster positive and healthy relationships.

In conclusion, life is too short to squander our time and energy on individuals who exhibit inconsistent treatment towards us. We deserve better than that, and it is imperative that we invest our time and energy in individuals who are reliable, consistent, and genuinely care about our well-being.

Black People

Understand Something.Black people had been on the planet Nibiru for 2 billion years before there were any other humans. Before we came to Earth our home was in the dog Star constellation and the planet was called NIBIRU & SIRIUS & PLANET-X. 

Black people home is located in the constellation Canis Major also known as the Big Dog and is therefore known as the dog star. It is over twenty times brighter than our Sun and is twice as massive. At night time Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and its blue white glare never failed to amaze star gazers since the dawn of time.

 No wonder Sirius has been revered by practically all civilizations. But is there more to Sirius than meets the eye? Artifacts of Ancient civilizations have revealed that Sirius was of a great importance in astronomy, mythology and occultism. Mystery schools consider it to be the Sun behind the Sun and, therefore, the true source of our sun’s potency.

 If our Sun’s warmth keeps the physical world alive, Sirius is considered to keep the spiritual world alive. It is the real light shining in the East, the spiritual light, where as the Sun illuminates the physical world, which is considered to be a grand illusion.Nibiru is here and Reptilians know their time is up, it's over.

After a relationship break up

After a relationship break up, we have to give ourselves some time to heal. We have to realize that to acquire happiness, which cannot be obtained from any outside source, including people, many of us do not allow ourselves sufficient time to heal from long-term relationships, or short-term exhausting relationships, that have sapped our emotional, spiritual and psychological Energies. Between relationships we all need a period of fasting, where we give our minds and our souls the opportunity to heal and rest, before we attempt to get it right the next time. 

We always hear talks about the need for dietary fasting and spiritual fasting not knowing that we need relationship fasting as well. We need a period of non dating that should last at least a season which is 3 months before we infect some innocent person’s life with the negative energy of a past relationship. We need to take the time to clear our energy and prepare ourselves for the next go around. Just as with all traumas we need time to re-stabilize our inner self and regain a sense of reality. 

When we don’t give ourselves time off from forging new romantic attachments we risk spoiling what otherwise would have been a perfectly good relationship with our psychic baggage from your previous loves. We are not able to trust, love, commit, reciprocate and be emotionally available for fear that he or she may be a rendition of the previous failed partnership. If we are still afraid, that means we are still suffering the aftershocks of post-traumatic relationship disorder, and should not be dating.

Ancient Roman coins featured the images of emperors and important figures

Ancient Roman coins featured the images of emperors and important figures, but it is not accurate to say that these coins were exclusively used as tokens for entry into brothels. It's important to approach historical claims carefully and look at the available evidence.

In ancient Rome, coins served as a general form of currency for various transactions, such as everyday trade, paying taxes, and compensating soldiers. They were not specifically created or designated solely for use in brothels. The designs on these coins typically showcased the current emperor or depicted symbols and events associated with the Roman Empire.

The prohibition against bringing coins with the emperor's image into places like latrines or brothels likely stemmed from the deep respect and religious veneration Romans had for their emperors. Emperors were often regarded as divine or semi-divine figures, and carrying their likeness into places deemed impure or disrespectful, such as brothels, would have been seen as sacrilegious.

While it's possible that certain establishments may have used specific tokens or items for entry, there is no substantial evidence to support the claim that Roman coins were exclusively employed for gaining access to brothels. When discussing historical topics like this, it's crucial to critically evaluate the assertions and rely on credible sources for accurate information

Did you Know that You have 3 Eyes?

Did you Know that You have 3 Eyes?2 for Looking and 1 for Seeing?Your 3rd Eye is the Pineal Gland known as "The Eye of Horus"(The Spiritual Eye).

The 3rd Eye is located deep inside the two Spheres of the Brain and it acts as a Doorway between the Physical and Spiritual World.Poor Diet,Lack of Sleep and Meditation,High Consumption of Fluoride in Tap water and Toothpaste can block the full potential of this Gland.

The 3rd eye is the most heavily targeted and poisoned gland in the human body,mainly due to its Spiritual influence it has on the Human Awareness.During the Darkness the "3rd eye" releases the powerful hormone "Melatonin",a chemical related to Brain function.Humans can only see 1% of the Visible light Spectrum,which means we can only see 1% of what's going on around us.In other words,we are unable to see the vast 99% of the World we live In.

The humans all over the world have been proven to Develop and show their traits of Psychic Supernatural Powers such as Telekinesis,Clairvoyance,Telephany,Levitation,Pyrokenisis,Mind Control,Elasticity,Teleportation,Shape shifting,Super intelligence and etc.

The truth of matter is all of this is Normal,but we have forgotten our limitless potential.We humans all have these powers within us,through the key here is to rebundle our "Junk DNA", Meditate,Activate our 3rd eye and unlock more of our full brain potential to collectively unleash these Superhuman Abilities.

This is why the Control system had the "Church" to teach that Yoga and Meditation are Evil,To try and Stop people from Developing these Innate Human Abilities,Which threaten their Control.

There's a Difference between a Rapper and an Emcee

There's a Difference between a Rapper and an Emcee.If you don't know the Difference you'll always think 2pac was better than Biggie.2 pac was a Rapper and Biggie was an Emcee and a Rapper can never be better than an Emcee.

A rapper has 1 Dimensional flow,a Poet, and a Metaphor Rally.An Emcee is a Punchline punisher,A Bar Bridget,A wordplayer,A Rhymer at 5 Dimensional flower.If you still think 2 pac was lyricist than Biggie then you need to stop listening Hip Hop.It's easy to become a Rapper but not easy to become an Emcee.Rap has Content.

When we listen to a Rapper we listen to how he delivers a content not what content they have.When you look at stasticts you look at Influentials?When we look at a Rapper we don't look at what contents he spits but how he spits it,how he free flows,how he wordplay,how he mix and metaphise,not what content he has.Biggie got wordplay,Punchlines,38 Bar lyrical Content and Different Dimensional Rhyming for Hard Hip Hop Heads.

2pac don't have those things all he got was poetry for Soft Hip Hop Heads.Biggie is the first Emcee to spit 36 Bars in 60 Seconds and you're trying to say 2pac is better than him?The reason why people are saying 2pac is better than Biggie is because they don't know the Difference Between a Rapper and an Emcee.

2pac was a Rapper and Biggie was an Emcee and a Rapper can never be better than an Emcee.I respect Tupac and love his music but I take my hat off for Biggie.2pac is for everyone but Biggie is for Chosen ones.

All Spoken and Written Languages are Vibrational Energy Spells of Coded Grid Programs.

All Spoken and Written Languages are Vibrational Energy Spells of Coded Grid Programs.through written and spoken languages, human’s DNA and human’s Mind can be re-programmed in a way to suit the rulers of the World. 

Since all letters of alphabets have different shapes with unique vibrational energy components, when these letters are used into a particular Grid Pattern in a full text,  containing specific coded information, it casts Spells on people and re-programs their DNA. The text itself is written in a double meaning, be that in written or verbal form; one as understood by the reader’s conscious mind, and another one coded with subliminal information undetectable by the conscious mind, but detectable by sub-conscious mind which is much more powerful and overrides the conscious mind on which signals the body is instructed for chemical reactions to happen

The Ancients achieved incredible results using vibration and language. For instance, they successfully ttansmitted information patterns from one set of DNA to another. Eventually, they were even able to reprogram cells to another genome — they transformed frog embryos into salamander embryos. Garjajevs group of researchers could already prove that with this method damaged chromosomes can be repaired, which were damaged e.g. by x-rays, or health chromosomes can be damaged, simply by using words and phrases of a language.

It is well known fact in science that almost any bodily function, particularly in the metabolism and in the hormone production, can be affected by the powers of spoken and written words. 
The medical model of the psycho neuro immunology led back the effect of hypnotic suggestions so far exclusively to control mechanisms in the brain, particularly in the regions, which are assumed to contain subconscious layers

The Elite are always on the watch for a “Black Messiah"

The Elite are always on the watch for a “Black Messiah” because it’s the representation of the end of their counterfeit “Kingdom” which is comprised of the Vatican Church, the Federal Reserve, the British Monarchy system & the United States Corporation that’s connected to Wall Street. 

When the real Sun of man comes, sent by Anu, he’ll possess extensive & high levels of transmissional knowledge that will transform the minds of the masses & those who are Chosen to receive that transmission intuitively will separate amongst those who are sub mentally stagnant on a 3rd Dimensional level as the Chosen ascend from the ignorant. 

This new & higher knowledge will not come from your pastor or anyone in religion, it will not come from your favorite celebrity, nor will it come from politicians. It will be someone that will come to destroy the illusive fallacies of Babylon aka “Western Culture” & those who venerate the perception of money, material, & false religion will demonize him for speaking truth & we’re in the time right now.

 Dr Malachi York was the first one & there will be another one very soon who will edify everyone to the point it’s understandable to the young generation & older generation. 

The government doesn’t give a fuck about you marching, protesting, causing anarchy… they’re afraid of supreme intelligence that will raise the vibration of the planet. That’s the reason why NASA was created, to chart the stars on when this transmissional knowledge will be streamed down from the higher dimensions to Sun & then projected to Earth during this Aquarian Age.The Babylonian system and one world government are crumbling down.

A Soul Of A Ryhme.

This is a Soul Of A Ryhme. 

It begins with art , the
unfolding alignment 
of the creative element , its 
a phenomenal proccess that awaken 
the faculty of speech as we envelope 
the flowing tapestry of poetry 
in the twisting dimensions of tongues ,
 the griots clothes the eternal letters of time 
the duration of the ryhme conjures 
the evolutions of the wheel of time 
as it turns to project a path that 
connect truth with myth , something
that encapsulates the presence of
 the wonders of your essence in 
every aspect of existence ,its the 
euhemisation of the mystics,  
the realization that questions are 
concious beings that seek to find 
answers on their own and dawn to 
us as spontaneous epiphani
like Newtown ascending in gravity , I 
say expirience the bliss of fallen forbiden 
fruits , trace the roots of the tree 
within the seed , it reveals itself ,
sometimes conjured in visions 
and eureka like realizations , 
when it comes you will know ,
the crux is the cruxification of 
time as we transcend its limits , 
realise that ryhme is not 
merely mirroring phonetics but 
formulas and clues to the secrets
of the universe , remember in 
the beginning God created the 
heavens and earth but some 
sought to hide the truth in dubious you see .

Now chew the capsules , taste 
the doom of lost mankind , 
Will they flood their own creation
with ignorance or drown in amnesia ,
Harbour their damned hope 
in the ark of darkness? I'm merely
metaphoring artificial intelligence with the 
the superficial tendency of man 's 
existence , savour the tragic 
 mood of the self inflicted apocalypse 
in the genesis , I'm maping 
the essence of this ryhme, somewhere 
is hidden the gene of Isis , our crisis came 
when we decided to play nature ,
Feel the synchronization of 
 rythme of veins , envision it as 
red rivers , or multiple streams , 
this is the anomaly of human anatomy 
we flow like rivers within.

Black People

Understand Something.We have heard a lot about how our physical body is temporary and our spirit is infinite. The body is not temporary, neither is this physical realm.

 Matter can change form through physical and chemical changes, but through any of these changes matter is conserved. The same amount of matter exists before and after the change and none is created or destroyed. This concept is called the Law of Conservation of Mass. 

This means that you have always existed and throughout eternity have changed forms and so has this Universe. You are the Creator experiencing yourself in different manifestations throughout time. With that being said you were taught to worship things outside of yourself. You were taught about Creators, God's, Deities and the Higher Power.

 The reality is that there is nothing Higher than you. We live in a society now where people are teaching you to give your power away. The reality is that we are bigger than all our thoughts because we are creating them as we believe.

The Bible says Killing is a Sin but it also Command Christians to Kill

The Bible says Killing is a Sin but it also Command Christians to Kill.

-Kill Adulterers (Lev 20:10)
-Kill all Witches(Ex 22:18)
-Kill Blasphemers(Lev 20:27)
-Kill False Prophets(Zech 13:3)
-Kill Fortune Tellers(Lev 20:27)
-Kill Anyone who Sins(Ezek 18:4)
-Kill the Curious(1 Sam 6:19-20)
-Kill Gays(Lev 20:13&Rom 1:21-32)
-Kill Non-believers(2 Chron 15:12-13)
-Kill Anyone who Curses God(Lev 24:16)
-Kill Any Child who Hit a Parent (Ex 21:15)
-Kill Strangers Close to Church(Num 1:48-51)
-Kill Any bride discovered Not a Virgin(Deut 22:21)
-Kill everybody in a Town that Worship the Wrong God(Deut 13:13-16)
Kill all Males after Winning Battles(Deut 20:13)
-Kill Men Who Have Sex 
 With Other Men(Lev 20:13).

Shoprite, Pick'n'Pay, Checkers

When You Are Going To Shoprite, Pick'n'Pay, Checkers & All Those Supermarket Stay Away From Processed Food Because Processed Food Are Excital Toxins & To Parents Who Are GIVING Their Children A Treat,

 You Are Actually Getting Them Ready For Treatment. You Think You Are Giving Your Children A Treat But Are Actually Setting Them For Treatment, One Of The Worst Excital Toxins Are Cheetos, Doritos & Roman Noodles It Contain MSG & MSG Is Causing Development Issues In Children Neurological Development Issues & Causing Psychological Issues In Children. 

So Children Ain't Growing Up & They Are Bit Hyperactive, Autism Has Been Linked To Monosodium Glutamine. Hyperactive Is Normal In Children The Problem Is That Where Does The Line Lies Of Hyperactivity

White people are trying to make a replica

White people are trying to make a replica of what's only possible in the minds of Black people, The CernπŸŒ€ The masses of Black people don't know that they are the God's of dimensional travel the one and true only Stargate. Because a lot of Black people learn their spirituality from white people they regurgitate the misinformation and the misunderstanding of African and Aboriginal spirituality.

 When white people first came to Africa they saw us operating in our Glory and they didn't understand our metaphysical principles so they understood it as mythology and the new agers of European spiritual philosophies literalize the experience of misunderstanding. And after 400 years of indocrinations Black people following their footsteps closely because of years of brainwashing. 

Today most of our people rely on white people for the truth than to look to their own people for the answers. You possess the power of time travel, Stargate travel, dimensional travel, Astro travel and Collective consciousness travel. If there is any demons or celestial beings to enter in this world it is through your own mind. 

In the words of our mighty Ancestors in Kemet during the Dog Days indicated the flooding of the Nile due to the gravitational pull of the Moon, which also has an effect upon your dream states or trance state of Mind. Pyramids was used as a ritualistic dream or trance incubator, wherein a Pharaoh Shaman would lay bound up within a sarcophagus of a proto-flotation tank in order to travel through time, from inside a lucid dream or trance. 

The Dogon tribe of South Africa as well as the Khoisan of the Kalahari, were also aware that trance ingress winged Eye into the womb dream is easier to achieve during the Dog Days, whose shamanic adepts of trance were symbolised as Fish-men, called Nommo, who were able to attain an amphibious state of consciousness.

BlackBerry Collapsed

BlackBerry Was Collapsed For Refusing To Install A Recording Mic In Its Phones So Companies Can Use What We Say To Drive Pop Up ADs.

 You’ll Notice How You’ll Chat With Someone About Buying A House And Get Random ADs Of Houses.

All These Other Companies Gain Access To Your Photos And Other Things For Simply Downloading Their Apps.know this. even smart ID cards have a chip installed that serves as a tracking device. It's very tiny.We're being monitored by minor things we're not aware of, even a camera plays as a 24hr surveillance more especially when you're active on Facebook they're eyeing on us.

Nature vs Religion

The biblical narrative of a woman being created from a man's rib is fictional. Man came from the woman's womb, Scientifically woman predates men, they possesses XX chromosomes while men possess XY chromosomes.  Woman could reproduce asexual without any help of a male, this was done by the bartholin gland which they still possess to this day. Women can produce semen in their bone marrow. The X chromosome is 5 times larger than Y, when the DNA of a black woman mutates all other human beings / races come about.

The oldest remains ever discovered was of a woman between Kenya and Ethiopia, they called her DINKESH/LUCY & dated 3.2 million ago. So if the biblical God made EVE from Adam's ribs EVE would be a man. 

The reality here and it has been scientifically proven is that females are older than men. The suppression & oppression of women began through religion & that is why you see most charecters in the Bible are men.This was done by the Roman Catholic church & Roman emperor Constantine & his Cardinals who created Christianity Religion at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.

God is a Black Woman and she created a man in her image.

Witches and Witch doctors ✅

Witches and Witch doctors were once highly revered and now they are considered community threats because of European religions. Before European colonialism if a Black child exhibited special gifts he/she was given to the tribal shaman for training to step into their honorable destiny as a Healer.

 Now because we have been indoctrinated with religion Black children are misguided, misinformed by the parents who abandon or try to kill their offspring based upon fear, superstition, and hearsay. Christian colonialism has reinforced the idea that Jesus Christ is the only true witch doctor while demonizing anyone else who practices their native spiritualities. It is time for our people to reclaim and understand our historical link to the Witches and where the original terms exist in our own languages.

The terms Witch and Wise Woman actually had their origins in Ancient Kemet which ment the Land of the Blacks. Wadj or Uadj is a Kemetic word meaning power, health, green, water. A wadj scepter represents a tied bundle of herbs for health andprosperity. A variant of the word is Udja pronounced WOO-jah, where the term Ouija board isalso derived from. The Mdw Ntr hieroglyphic symbol is believed by many to actuallyrepresent a mortar and pestle. 

Another variant is Ujdat WOO chaht, the name for theprotective amuleti representing the Eye of Heru, which is comprised of the protective psychic magickal energies of Wadjet and her sister Nekehebet who are actually Aset and her sister Neb-t Het. Wadjet Uadjet, Uachet is a term for a strong magickal African woman who can suddenly bend energy for healing. Much of the Yoruba language and traditions can be traced directly to Kemet. Aje ah-JZAY is a Yoruba term meaning witch.

Google lied to Us

Google will lie to you saying the first person to land on the moon was "Nail Armstrong" of which is a Bamboozling.Nail Armstrong did not visit the moon because on the darkside of the moon this is what the space station cameras saw,Annunaki craftsπŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›Έ entering the moon craters where there is many bases. 

So Nasa in hollywood producers created a back ground visual of outta space which was supposed to be the so called surface on the moon,where he Nail armstrong plants the USA flag with his co actor in the background riding a space mobile pretending to be on the lunar surface.No one has ever landed on the Moon.

there is no such thing as Space

NASA in Hebrew means "The Serpent"(to deceive). There's no such thing as Space because it doesn't exist.RocketsπŸš€πŸš€are just huge missiles trying to penetrate the Firmament with no success.All Rockets go sideways and then come back down to the Earth taking a parabolic curve towards the Bermuda Triangle or dry land where there's no inhabitants.

Elon Musk is just a puppet of the Royal family they all know that the Earth is flat covered by a Super duper multi screen called "Firmament".The blue you see on the Sky is water Divided by the Firmament to prevent it from falling down on Earth.Rocket's don't go to space.They've been lying to you from School to even Television.

True History Of Black Africans

People think it's a joke when we say that we need to know our true history, our true science and our true diet in order to become the Africans we are supposed to be.In order to become the African you are supposed to be, you must reconnect to all these things they have detached you from. You must reconnect to Africa. To who you truly are. Don't you think that it makes sense?

They knew who you were. They lied to you. They led you to the wrong path. They used shaming tactics to make sure that you will never try to reach the right path or connect to the right people because you value their opinions. Because you are AFRAID and ashamed of your true identity.Once you wake up, all this makes sense. You understand that everything is upside down. 

You understand that some of the most important keys to unlock your potential are located where they told you not to go. That's exactly where you must go. What you must do. Africa is the cake, the eldorado. Don't let them fool you.You must stand for yourself now. 

Stand for your people.Learn your true history and make sure you are teaching it to the children. It's the way to facilitate their path towards their true potential. We don't make children's books for the sake of making children's books. We make it because it is part of the solution. It is what we NEED.

The Term God

The term "God" didn't exist in Kemetic tradition,it is therefore not Indigenous to African thought and behaviour.The one supreme entity,the creators of heaven and earth,all of nature and African humanity was Acknowledged and sensed by our Ancient Kemetic Ancestors as Neter(Neteru).

The term "God" it's usage and application was formulated in Europe and brought into Africa by Europeans whose Criminal motive was to remove all indigenous African Concepts of Spirituality that reflect a Neter root.


Yemaya/Yemoja is the most nurturing of all the Orishas, and it’s believed that all of life comes from her deep nourishing waters. Her strong and protective energy can be found virtually everywhere, but especially near oceans and lakes. She’s associated with the numbers seven and ten, the colors blue and white, pearls, silver, conch shells, and doves. Offerings for her include molasses, coconut cakes, white flowers, and watermelon.

 For practicing witches, Yemaya has a fierce, nurturing, gentle energy often associated with the moon and sorcery. As the "Mother of All," she is said to help in matters of self-love, fertility, emotional wounds, trauma, and healing work. But if you cross her, disrespect her terrain, or hurt one of her children, she has a serious anger streak. Wielding a broad blade, she’s known to “bathe in the blood of her enemies,” or manifest in the form of a tidal wave.

The Colonists πŸ‘½

They plant toxic seeds in the minds of the people after colonizing them. These seeds are intended to normalize behaviors that are detrimental to those who have been colonized. That is why we are rewarded for actions that are contrary to our true interests and sanctioned for actions that will lead us to true freedom. That's why, when they despise one of us, we know he's doing the right thing. 

The difficulty is in becoming aware of the situation. Recognizing that everything we do, everything we consider normal, is working against us. It's like realizing you live inside a box that you thought was the world, when the world is much bigger than that little box.

Africans must understand the concept of Vulnerability. It is the secret ingredient used by the oppressor to intoxicate us. The purpose has always been to weaken us. After colonizing the people, they tried to maintain them in captivity. Physical Chains disappeared, but mental chains remained. 

These chains are here to maintain us in a state of vulnerability. So we are taught to make choices that maintain us in that state. And we normalized these choices to the point of fighting those who are trying to open our eyes. We feel threatened by change, while that change is the only way to our salvation.

Some Africans have understood that and are moving forward. Unfortunately many of us are still stuck. They are literally fighting us. As if they didn’t want us to become stronger. As if they didn't not want to be stronger and free. Sometimes it is unconscious. They are agents but they don’t know it. We really have to heal this part in ourselves.

The trauma is real. We are afraid of our own blessings. We won't get better results by doing the exact same thing. There must be a change at some point. So we have to stop fighting the change and realize that through the change will come salvation.
It is not normal to want to be controlled by those who are ruining your life. It is NOT normal.

Annunaki's body that the Government had been hiding for years.

when the elite government raided Iraq in 2005 under George bush jr administration it’ was because Saddam Hussein had access to a portal plus he had hidden this black Anunnaki body of "Enki" from the NWO. he also had mini space crafts he discovered hidden beneath the caves of iran.

This is one of the Annunaki's body that the Government had been hiding for years.

If you look closely at his chest gold attachment in belt you can see the fish shape imprint that represents our ancestors the {nomos } of Sirius

Death is an Illusion

Death is an Illusion.Death does not exist.Our physical bodies are purely on loan from the universe to invent and experience things here on earth.Death only means leaving the body behind like a caterpillar or snake shedding its skin.

The moment you realise that you are an Energy/Soul inside your body,you are afraid of nothing.Death gives you freedom and power,but it is natural,it is manipulated into our society.we never used to die but Ascend voluntarily when we've fulfilled our purpose in order to give our other characters/souls of our bloodline a chance to descend and fulfil theirs for every Ascension there's Descension.

Death is fake because a soul can never die,what does is the body.You are the soul not the body therefore you don't die,what does is the body.The physical body is a suit to cover the internal organs.The internal organs are also covering internal cells.The internal cells are also covering seen and unseen biolectric energies.We Reincarnate not Ressurect.

Reincarnation means our souls existed before we were born and will continue to exist after we die,and the process of being reborn continues over and over as we evolve Spiritually.Nothing by definition does not exist and since nothing can not exist,what is left is existence.This is why death is an illusion.You never die because you will never not exist.Only the illusion of separation and nonexistence creates our reality of Death.

The first ship of black people the Europeans received from the Arabica was called "The Good Ship of Jesus"

No 5 minutes prayer can change your 5 years struggle,the same way 500 years of prayer never changed 500 years of Slavery.The first ship of black people the Europeans received from the Arabica was called "The Good Ship of Jesus".The process where slaves were hanged and executed was called "The Goodwill of Jesus".slaves that obeyed their mastered were called "The Angels of Jesus" and slaves Who were disobedient were shown hell on earth.

You can't change the historical facts just because the truth now offends you.The truth is Christianity is the most effective propaganda tools used for mentally enslaving black people and it was brutally forced upon our Ancestors by enemies that enslaved,raped and tortured them.That's a Goddamn fact and your hurt feelings can never change that.

African Countries Governments System

The African Countries Governance System Is What You Call "Hypercritical". You Can Be Highly Qualified At The Age Of 35 Years Looking For A Job. The System Will See You As "Too Old For Employment" Simply Because You Reaced 35 Years The "Employment Restriction" Age. If You Reached 35 Years & Don't Have A Job It Will Be Like That For The Rest Of Your Life. 

The Only Job That Will Be Available For You At Above That Age Is Labour & Construction. That's How The System Works. Your Level Of Education Don't Matter After The Age Of 35 Years. Your Useless To The System Because Your Already At A Retirement Age For Employment & The Government See You As Effortless To Them. This Is Sad Because Our Leaders Can Be 70 Years & Older & Still Run For President & Still Get Post In The Parliament. Because The System Knows Corruption Is In The Old Man. 

That's Why Old Man Will Always Run African Countries They Are Full Of Greed. Those Studying Political Science Shouldn't Bother Themselves. You Will Wait For A Post Job In The Government Until You Reached 35 Years Than They Will Tell You Your To Old. But They Will Give The Position To Someone Older Than You Simply Because They Know Each Other As Combrates Of Apartheid & Want To Continue Corruption. 

These Are The Reason Why A "Woman" Will Never Be President. These Are The Reasons Why A Person Under The Age Of 35 Will Never Be President. Its Not A Matter Of Expierence Its A Matter Of No Corruption In Woman & The Youth. So The System Prefers Old Greedy Grandpa's. These Are The Reasons Why The Youth Will Never Run The Government Unless They Open Up Their Own Political Party As "Pan Africanist" & Take Over From These Old People. 

The Youth Is Far More Intelligent Than These Grey Heads. Times Changed, The Worlds Changed These Old Leaders Can't Keep Up With The Economy That's Why African Countries Are Suffering So Much.

The Earth 🌎 is Flat

The truth is the earth is flat with a dome/firmament above dividing the waters above with the one beneath. 
There are portals underneath the ocean which transports us into different dimensions or other planets. 

That's is why in the Bermuda Triangle ships, planes, boats etc disappear and be never found again.
That's why you'd find spiritual beings who would dissappear in the ocean for weeks, months and some even years and reappear after they're done with the initiation. That's clearly an indication.

The UFO's πŸ‘½ ship

Most of the ships known as "UFO'S"πŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›Έ we see flying around are spiritual ships, that’s why the elite reptilians masons cannot touch them with their weapons,many of the smaller ships comes from the mothership are Annunaki beings that can shape shift, into these smaller shams. those of our ancestors that use portals to come into this realm use physical material ships, some of these crafts are redesigned by us scientists, trying to duplicate the original but don’t have nothing close to the same maneuvering with nature like the anu shipsπŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›Έ.

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