Thapelo Moremi

Understand Something

Have you discovered who and what you truly are? Whether you know it or not, your Black Consciousness is a thread of Universal Consciousness and your body is a Infinite Reincarnating vehicle for having experiences in this infinite physical reality. 

Ultimately your self is simply pure Consciousness and has no form whatsoever. The self that you have created here in our earthly reality is by no means the all of you. Your true self is not limited to the egoic self that identifies solely with its physical body and its worldly accomplishments and imagines that this is all it is. 

 You are a multi-level composite being that exists at many non-physical levels at once. There are multiple levels to self and ultimately your highest self is Source Consciousness! One cannot understand the nature of SELF without understanding its relation to the nature of the universe. The universe is a field of Energy and everything seen and unseen are simply patterns of energy, matter, electromagnetic radiation, etc. And here's the kicker, this energy field is Consciousness.

 Consciousness is embedded in the fabric of the universe and everything is conscious to some degree like an atom, a rock, a cell, a plant, an animal, a human. Of course current mainstream science isn't aware of this, but hey, there's a lot of stuff they haven't figured out yet. 

They've been ignoring or ridiculing the work of a small group of free thinking scientists, around the world, that have been digging deeper into this for the past twenty years or so. You are God in human form.Jesus is just a deception to praise and worship to prevent your from knowing that you're God and they fear the day you discover it.

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