Thapelo Moremi

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A Soul Of A Ryhme.

This is a Soul Of A Ryhme. 

It begins with art , the
unfolding alignment 
of the creative element , its 
a phenomenal proccess that awaken 
the faculty of speech as we envelope 
the flowing tapestry of poetry 
in the twisting dimensions of tongues ,
 the griots clothes the eternal letters of time 
the duration of the ryhme conjures 
the evolutions of the wheel of time 
as it turns to project a path that 
connect truth with myth , something
that encapsulates the presence of
 the wonders of your essence in 
every aspect of existence ,its the 
euhemisation of the mystics,  
the realization that questions are 
concious beings that seek to find 
answers on their own and dawn to 
us as spontaneous epiphani
like Newtown ascending in gravity , I 
say expirience the bliss of fallen forbiden 
fruits , trace the roots of the tree 
within the seed , it reveals itself ,
sometimes conjured in visions 
and eureka like realizations , 
when it comes you will know ,
the crux is the cruxification of 
time as we transcend its limits , 
realise that ryhme is not 
merely mirroring phonetics but 
formulas and clues to the secrets
of the universe , remember in 
the beginning God created the 
heavens and earth but some 
sought to hide the truth in dubious you see .

Now chew the capsules , taste 
the doom of lost mankind , 
Will they flood their own creation
with ignorance or drown in amnesia ,
Harbour their damned hope 
in the ark of darkness? I'm merely
metaphoring artificial intelligence with the 
the superficial tendency of man 's 
existence , savour the tragic 
 mood of the self inflicted apocalypse 
in the genesis , I'm maping 
the essence of this ryhme, somewhere 
is hidden the gene of Isis , our crisis came 
when we decided to play nature ,
Feel the synchronization of 
 rythme of veins , envision it as 
red rivers , or multiple streams , 
this is the anomaly of human anatomy 
we flow like rivers within.

Black People

Understand Something.We have heard a lot about how our physical body is temporary and our spirit is infinite. The body is not temporary, neither is this physical realm.

 Matter can change form through physical and chemical changes, but through any of these changes matter is conserved. The same amount of matter exists before and after the change and none is created or destroyed. This concept is called the Law of Conservation of Mass. 

This means that you have always existed and throughout eternity have changed forms and so has this Universe. You are the Creator experiencing yourself in different manifestations throughout time. With that being said you were taught to worship things outside of yourself. You were taught about Creators, God's, Deities and the Higher Power.

 The reality is that there is nothing Higher than you. We live in a society now where people are teaching you to give your power away. The reality is that we are bigger than all our thoughts because we are creating them as we believe.

The Bible says Killing is a Sin but it also Command Christians to Kill

The Bible says Killing is a Sin but it also Command Christians to Kill.

-Kill Adulterers (Lev 20:10)
-Kill all Witches(Ex 22:18)
-Kill Blasphemers(Lev 20:27)
-Kill False Prophets(Zech 13:3)
-Kill Fortune Tellers(Lev 20:27)
-Kill Anyone who Sins(Ezek 18:4)
-Kill the Curious(1 Sam 6:19-20)
-Kill Gays(Lev 20:13&Rom 1:21-32)
-Kill Non-believers(2 Chron 15:12-13)
-Kill Anyone who Curses God(Lev 24:16)
-Kill Any Child who Hit a Parent (Ex 21:15)
-Kill Strangers Close to Church(Num 1:48-51)
-Kill Any bride discovered Not a Virgin(Deut 22:21)
-Kill everybody in a Town that Worship the Wrong God(Deut 13:13-16)
Kill all Males after Winning Battles(Deut 20:13)
-Kill Men Who Have Sex 
 With Other Men(Lev 20:13).

Shoprite, Pick'n'Pay, Checkers

When You Are Going To Shoprite, Pick'n'Pay, Checkers & All Those Supermarket Stay Away From Processed Food Because Processed Food Are Excital Toxins & To Parents Who Are GIVING Their Children A Treat,

 You Are Actually Getting Them Ready For Treatment. You Think You Are Giving Your Children A Treat But Are Actually Setting Them For Treatment, One Of The Worst Excital Toxins Are Cheetos, Doritos & Roman Noodles It Contain MSG & MSG Is Causing Development Issues In Children Neurological Development Issues & Causing Psychological Issues In Children. 

So Children Ain't Growing Up & They Are Bit Hyperactive, Autism Has Been Linked To Monosodium Glutamine. Hyperactive Is Normal In Children The Problem Is That Where Does The Line Lies Of Hyperactivity

White people are trying to make a replica

White people are trying to make a replica of what's only possible in the minds of Black people, The Cern🌀 The masses of Black people don't know that they are the God's of dimensional travel the one and true only Stargate. Because a lot of Black people learn their spirituality from white people they regurgitate the misinformation and the misunderstanding of African and Aboriginal spirituality.

 When white people first came to Africa they saw us operating in our Glory and they didn't understand our metaphysical principles so they understood it as mythology and the new agers of European spiritual philosophies literalize the experience of misunderstanding. And after 400 years of indocrinations Black people following their footsteps closely because of years of brainwashing. 

Today most of our people rely on white people for the truth than to look to their own people for the answers. You possess the power of time travel, Stargate travel, dimensional travel, Astro travel and Collective consciousness travel. If there is any demons or celestial beings to enter in this world it is through your own mind. 

In the words of our mighty Ancestors in Kemet during the Dog Days indicated the flooding of the Nile due to the gravitational pull of the Moon, which also has an effect upon your dream states or trance state of Mind. Pyramids was used as a ritualistic dream or trance incubator, wherein a Pharaoh Shaman would lay bound up within a sarcophagus of a proto-flotation tank in order to travel through time, from inside a lucid dream or trance. 

The Dogon tribe of South Africa as well as the Khoisan of the Kalahari, were also aware that trance ingress winged Eye into the womb dream is easier to achieve during the Dog Days, whose shamanic adepts of trance were symbolised as Fish-men, called Nommo, who were able to attain an amphibious state of consciousness.

BlackBerry Collapsed

BlackBerry Was Collapsed For Refusing To Install A Recording Mic In Its Phones So Companies Can Use What We Say To Drive Pop Up ADs.

 You’ll Notice How You’ll Chat With Someone About Buying A House And Get Random ADs Of Houses.

All These Other Companies Gain Access To Your Photos And Other Things For Simply Downloading Their Apps.know this. even smart ID cards have a chip installed that serves as a tracking device. It's very tiny.We're being monitored by minor things we're not aware of, even a camera plays as a 24hr surveillance more especially when you're active on Facebook they're eyeing on us.

Nature vs Religion

The biblical narrative of a woman being created from a man's rib is fictional. Man came from the woman's womb, Scientifically woman predates men, they possesses XX chromosomes while men possess XY chromosomes.  Woman could reproduce asexual without any help of a male, this was done by the bartholin gland which they still possess to this day. Women can produce semen in their bone marrow. The X chromosome is 5 times larger than Y, when the DNA of a black woman mutates all other human beings / races come about.

The oldest remains ever discovered was of a woman between Kenya and Ethiopia, they called her DINKESH/LUCY & dated 3.2 million ago. So if the biblical God made EVE from Adam's ribs EVE would be a man. 

The reality here and it has been scientifically proven is that females are older than men. The suppression & oppression of women began through religion & that is why you see most charecters in the Bible are men.This was done by the Roman Catholic church & Roman emperor Constantine & his Cardinals who created Christianity Religion at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.

God is a Black Woman and she created a man in her image.

Witches and Witch doctors ✅

Witches and Witch doctors were once highly revered and now they are considered community threats because of European religions. Before European colonialism if a Black child exhibited special gifts he/she was given to the tribal shaman for training to step into their honorable destiny as a Healer.

 Now because we have been indoctrinated with religion Black children are misguided, misinformed by the parents who abandon or try to kill their offspring based upon fear, superstition, and hearsay. Christian colonialism has reinforced the idea that Jesus Christ is the only true witch doctor while demonizing anyone else who practices their native spiritualities. It is time for our people to reclaim and understand our historical link to the Witches and where the original terms exist in our own languages.

The terms Witch and Wise Woman actually had their origins in Ancient Kemet which ment the Land of the Blacks. Wadj or Uadj is a Kemetic word meaning power, health, green, water. A wadj scepter represents a tied bundle of herbs for health andprosperity. A variant of the word is Udja pronounced WOO-jah, where the term Ouija board isalso derived from. The Mdw Ntr hieroglyphic symbol is believed by many to actuallyrepresent a mortar and pestle. 

Another variant is Ujdat WOO chaht, the name for theprotective amuleti representing the Eye of Heru, which is comprised of the protective psychic magickal energies of Wadjet and her sister Nekehebet who are actually Aset and her sister Neb-t Het. Wadjet Uadjet, Uachet is a term for a strong magickal African woman who can suddenly bend energy for healing. Much of the Yoruba language and traditions can be traced directly to Kemet. Aje ah-JZAY is a Yoruba term meaning witch.

Google lied to Us

Google will lie to you saying the first person to land on the moon was "Nail Armstrong" of which is a Bamboozling.Nail Armstrong did not visit the moon because on the darkside of the moon this is what the space station cameras saw,Annunaki crafts🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸 entering the moon craters where there is many bases. 

So Nasa in hollywood producers created a back ground visual of outta space which was supposed to be the so called surface on the moon,where he Nail armstrong plants the USA flag with his co actor in the background riding a space mobile pretending to be on the lunar surface.No one has ever landed on the Moon.

there is no such thing as Space

NASA in Hebrew means "The Serpent"(to deceive). There's no such thing as Space because it doesn't exist.Rockets🚀🚀are just huge missiles trying to penetrate the Firmament with no success.All Rockets go sideways and then come back down to the Earth taking a parabolic curve towards the Bermuda Triangle or dry land where there's no inhabitants.

Elon Musk is just a puppet of the Royal family they all know that the Earth is flat covered by a Super duper multi screen called "Firmament".The blue you see on the Sky is water Divided by the Firmament to prevent it from falling down on Earth.Rocket's don't go to space.They've been lying to you from School to even Television.

True History Of Black Africans

People think it's a joke when we say that we need to know our true history, our true science and our true diet in order to become the Africans we are supposed to be.In order to become the African you are supposed to be, you must reconnect to all these things they have detached you from. You must reconnect to Africa. To who you truly are. Don't you think that it makes sense?

They knew who you were. They lied to you. They led you to the wrong path. They used shaming tactics to make sure that you will never try to reach the right path or connect to the right people because you value their opinions. Because you are AFRAID and ashamed of your true identity.Once you wake up, all this makes sense. You understand that everything is upside down. 

You understand that some of the most important keys to unlock your potential are located where they told you not to go. That's exactly where you must go. What you must do. Africa is the cake, the eldorado. Don't let them fool you.You must stand for yourself now. 

Stand for your people.Learn your true history and make sure you are teaching it to the children. It's the way to facilitate their path towards their true potential. We don't make children's books for the sake of making children's books. We make it because it is part of the solution. It is what we NEED.

The Term God

The term "God" didn't exist in Kemetic tradition,it is therefore not Indigenous to African thought and behaviour.The one supreme entity,the creators of heaven and earth,all of nature and African humanity was Acknowledged and sensed by our Ancient Kemetic Ancestors as Neter(Neteru).

The term "God" it's usage and application was formulated in Europe and brought into Africa by Europeans whose Criminal motive was to remove all indigenous African Concepts of Spirituality that reflect a Neter root.


Yemaya/Yemoja is the most nurturing of all the Orishas, and it’s believed that all of life comes from her deep nourishing waters. Her strong and protective energy can be found virtually everywhere, but especially near oceans and lakes. She’s associated with the numbers seven and ten, the colors blue and white, pearls, silver, conch shells, and doves. Offerings for her include molasses, coconut cakes, white flowers, and watermelon.

 For practicing witches, Yemaya has a fierce, nurturing, gentle energy often associated with the moon and sorcery. As the "Mother of All," she is said to help in matters of self-love, fertility, emotional wounds, trauma, and healing work. But if you cross her, disrespect her terrain, or hurt one of her children, she has a serious anger streak. Wielding a broad blade, she’s known to “bathe in the blood of her enemies,” or manifest in the form of a tidal wave.

The Colonists 👽

They plant toxic seeds in the minds of the people after colonizing them. These seeds are intended to normalize behaviors that are detrimental to those who have been colonized. That is why we are rewarded for actions that are contrary to our true interests and sanctioned for actions that will lead us to true freedom. That's why, when they despise one of us, we know he's doing the right thing. 

The difficulty is in becoming aware of the situation. Recognizing that everything we do, everything we consider normal, is working against us. It's like realizing you live inside a box that you thought was the world, when the world is much bigger than that little box.

Africans must understand the concept of Vulnerability. It is the secret ingredient used by the oppressor to intoxicate us. The purpose has always been to weaken us. After colonizing the people, they tried to maintain them in captivity. Physical Chains disappeared, but mental chains remained. 

These chains are here to maintain us in a state of vulnerability. So we are taught to make choices that maintain us in that state. And we normalized these choices to the point of fighting those who are trying to open our eyes. We feel threatened by change, while that change is the only way to our salvation.

Some Africans have understood that and are moving forward. Unfortunately many of us are still stuck. They are literally fighting us. As if they didn’t want us to become stronger. As if they didn't not want to be stronger and free. Sometimes it is unconscious. They are agents but they don’t know it. We really have to heal this part in ourselves.

The trauma is real. We are afraid of our own blessings. We won't get better results by doing the exact same thing. There must be a change at some point. So we have to stop fighting the change and realize that through the change will come salvation.
It is not normal to want to be controlled by those who are ruining your life. It is NOT normal.

Annunaki's body that the Government had been hiding for years.

when the elite government raided Iraq in 2005 under George bush jr administration it’ was because Saddam Hussein had access to a portal plus he had hidden this black Anunnaki body of "Enki" from the NWO. he also had mini space crafts he discovered hidden beneath the caves of iran.

This is one of the Annunaki's body that the Government had been hiding for years.

If you look closely at his chest gold attachment in belt you can see the fish shape imprint that represents our ancestors the {nomos } of Sirius

Death is an Illusion

Death is an Illusion.Death does not exist.Our physical bodies are purely on loan from the universe to invent and experience things here on earth.Death only means leaving the body behind like a caterpillar or snake shedding its skin.

The moment you realise that you are an Energy/Soul inside your body,you are afraid of nothing.Death gives you freedom and power,but it is natural,it is manipulated into our society.we never used to die but Ascend voluntarily when we've fulfilled our purpose in order to give our other characters/souls of our bloodline a chance to descend and fulfil theirs for every Ascension there's Descension.

Death is fake because a soul can never die,what does is the body.You are the soul not the body therefore you don't die,what does is the body.The physical body is a suit to cover the internal organs.The internal organs are also covering internal cells.The internal cells are also covering seen and unseen biolectric energies.We Reincarnate not Ressurect.

Reincarnation means our souls existed before we were born and will continue to exist after we die,and the process of being reborn continues over and over as we evolve Spiritually.Nothing by definition does not exist and since nothing can not exist,what is left is existence.This is why death is an illusion.You never die because you will never not exist.Only the illusion of separation and nonexistence creates our reality of Death.

The first ship of black people the Europeans received from the Arabica was called "The Good Ship of Jesus"

No 5 minutes prayer can change your 5 years struggle,the same way 500 years of prayer never changed 500 years of Slavery.The first ship of black people the Europeans received from the Arabica was called "The Good Ship of Jesus".The process where slaves were hanged and executed was called "The Goodwill of Jesus".slaves that obeyed their mastered were called "The Angels of Jesus" and slaves Who were disobedient were shown hell on earth.

You can't change the historical facts just because the truth now offends you.The truth is Christianity is the most effective propaganda tools used for mentally enslaving black people and it was brutally forced upon our Ancestors by enemies that enslaved,raped and tortured them.That's a Goddamn fact and your hurt feelings can never change that.

African Countries Governments System

The African Countries Governance System Is What You Call "Hypercritical". You Can Be Highly Qualified At The Age Of 35 Years Looking For A Job. The System Will See You As "Too Old For Employment" Simply Because You Reaced 35 Years The "Employment Restriction" Age. If You Reached 35 Years & Don't Have A Job It Will Be Like That For The Rest Of Your Life. 

The Only Job That Will Be Available For You At Above That Age Is Labour & Construction. That's How The System Works. Your Level Of Education Don't Matter After The Age Of 35 Years. Your Useless To The System Because Your Already At A Retirement Age For Employment & The Government See You As Effortless To Them. This Is Sad Because Our Leaders Can Be 70 Years & Older & Still Run For President & Still Get Post In The Parliament. Because The System Knows Corruption Is In The Old Man. 

That's Why Old Man Will Always Run African Countries They Are Full Of Greed. Those Studying Political Science Shouldn't Bother Themselves. You Will Wait For A Post Job In The Government Until You Reached 35 Years Than They Will Tell You Your To Old. But They Will Give The Position To Someone Older Than You Simply Because They Know Each Other As Combrates Of Apartheid & Want To Continue Corruption. 

These Are The Reason Why A "Woman" Will Never Be President. These Are The Reasons Why A Person Under The Age Of 35 Will Never Be President. Its Not A Matter Of Expierence Its A Matter Of No Corruption In Woman & The Youth. So The System Prefers Old Greedy Grandpa's. These Are The Reasons Why The Youth Will Never Run The Government Unless They Open Up Their Own Political Party As "Pan Africanist" & Take Over From These Old People. 

The Youth Is Far More Intelligent Than These Grey Heads. Times Changed, The Worlds Changed These Old Leaders Can't Keep Up With The Economy That's Why African Countries Are Suffering So Much.

The Earth 🌎 is Flat

The truth is the earth is flat with a dome/firmament above dividing the waters above with the one beneath. 
There are portals underneath the ocean which transports us into different dimensions or other planets. 

That's is why in the Bermuda Triangle ships, planes, boats etc disappear and be never found again.
That's why you'd find spiritual beings who would dissappear in the ocean for weeks, months and some even years and reappear after they're done with the initiation. That's clearly an indication.

The UFO's 👽 ship

Most of the ships known as "UFO'S"🛸🛸🛸 we see flying around are spiritual ships, that’s why the elite reptilians masons cannot touch them with their weapons,many of the smaller ships comes from the mothership are Annunaki beings that can shape shift, into these smaller shams. those of our ancestors that use portals to come into this realm use physical material ships, some of these crafts are redesigned by us scientists, trying to duplicate the original but don’t have nothing close to the same maneuvering with nature like the anu ships🛸🛸🛸.

13 Moons & 28 days on all Turleshells

13 Moons & 28 days on all Turleshells, this equals 364 plus one day of rest. All indigenous people all over the World knew the Wisdom of the Turtle and followed a 13 Moon calender, after all there are 13 Moon Cycles a year & 27-29 days per cycle. 

It’s almost as if the white man subtracted one month between the People and the Sun, Moon & Stars, which are themselves a Giant clock! 

Many Native American people look at Turtle’s back as a sort of calendar, with its pattern of 13 large scales standing for 13 moons in each year. As Grandfather says to a young boy, it reminds us that all things are connected and we must live in balance.” From the book Thirteen Moons on Turtle’s Back, by Joseph Bruchac and Jonathan London, with illustrations by Thomas Locker.

While in western culture, nowadays the number 13 for most was instilled as a negative, something that should be avoided, not talked about, feared, in many indigenous Tribes all over the World the Sacredness of the 13 Moons is very much alive! 

Today you are invited to reconnect to the Sacrednees of the Rythm & Movement of All of Life! 

It’s up to you if & in what way you choose to except the invitation, whether you lay down & connect with the Earth, Look at the Stars, Thank the Moon, Sun, Mother Earth, or weither you Dance, Sing, Swimm, Write, Paint, remember who you truely are & how connected you truely are.

impact of slavery persists

Slavery undeniably continues to exert a profound and detrimental influence on the lives of black individuals, and this impact is far from being shrouded in secrecy. One of the most evident repercussions is the deliberate psychological warfare employed by slave masters in their quest to subjugate and control enslaved Africans. By deeming themselves superior and employing various forms of propaganda, slave masters sought to dismantle the mental and emotional well-being of black people. Through relentless messaging, they attempted to instill self-hatred within the minds of those they enslaved. This legacy persists even today and has left a lasting imprint on the collective psyche of black individuals.

The psychological manipulation and dehumanization experienced by enslaved Africans were central to maintaining the institution of slavery. Slave masters understood that breaking the spirit and sense of self-worth of those they enslaved would effectively diminish any resistance or desire for freedom. Consequently, they employed a range of propaganda tools to reinforce their supposed superiority and the inherent inferiority of black people. These tools included pseudoscientific theories, religious justifications, and cultural denigration.

Pseudoscientific theories were used to propagate notions of racial hierarchy and justify the enslavement of black individuals. False beliefs regarding inherent racial differences in intelligence, morality, and physicality were employed to portray black people as inferior beings, reinforcing the notion that their enslavement was justified. These unfounded theories were widely disseminated, perpetuating the ideology of white supremacy and providing a pseudo-intellectual veneer to the dehumanization of black individuals.

Religious justifications also played a significant role in the psychological manipulation of enslaved Africans. Slave masters distorted religious teachings to legitimize their actions and reinforce the idea of black people as subservient and deserving of their enslaved status. Christianity, which was forcefully imposed on many enslaved Africans, was manipulated to emphasize obedience, humility, and acceptance of suffering. These twisted interpretations of religious doctrine reinforced the notion that black individuals were destined to be enslaved and served to undermine their sense of self-worth and agency.

Furthermore, cultural denigration was a powerful tool employed by slave masters to instill self-hatred and erode the cultural identity of enslaved Africans. By devaluing African customs, traditions, languages, and aesthetics, slave masters sought to create a sense of shame and inferiority within black individuals. Enslaved Africans were forcibly stripped of their cultural heritage, and their languages were suppressed, leaving them disconnected from their roots and with limited access to their ancestral knowledge and history. The erasure and devaluation of their cultural identity further contributed to the psychological trauma endured by black people.

The consequences of these psychological warfare tactics are evident in the present day. The legacy of self-hatred and internalized racism, perpetuated through generations, continues to afflict many black individuals. The distorted narratives and stereotypes imposed during slavery have left deep-seated wounds that are yet to heal fully. The psychological impact manifests in various ways, including low self-esteem, identity struggles, and a persistent feeling of not belonging. These issues can undermine personal and social development, creating barriers to success and well-being.

Recognizing and addressing the lasting effects of slavery on the mental health and well-being of black individuals is crucial for fostering healing and promoting social equality. It requires acknowledging the historical roots of these issues and actively working to dismantle systemic racism and discrimination. By promoting inclusive education, celebrating diverse cultures, and amplifying the voices and experiences of black individuals, we can contribute to creating a society that supports healing and empowerment for all

Grey's seek immortal souls

The Greys are  highly advanced biological robots or clones created by a civilization known as the draconian reptilians. According to this theory, the Greys have been working closely with the reptilians in their quest to conquer death. Unlike humans, who are believed to possess souls, the Greys lack this spiritual essence.

In their pursuit of immortality, these beings allegedly manipulate human DNA in an attempt to create their own souls. By acquiring this spiritual aspect, the Greys hope to transcend the limitations of the material universe and enter the timeless realm of the spirit. This process is seen as a means for them to escape the entropic nature of the physical world and achieve a state of eternal existence.

The notion of the Greys being sophisticated biological robots or clones implies that they are artificially created entities with advanced capabilities. It suggests that their existence is the result of scientific manipulation by the draconian reptilian civilization. The purpose behind their creation, as proposed by conspiracy theories, is to harness the knowledge and characteristics of humans, particularly the possession of souls.

It is important to note that these ideas are part of a speculative narrative and are not supported by scientific evidence or mainstream understanding. Conspiracy theories involving extraterrestrial civilizations, such as the Greys and the reptilians, have gained popularity in certain fringe communities but are largely dismissed by the scientific community.

In summary, according to certain conspiracy theories, the Greys are considered sophisticated biological robots or clones created by the draconian reptilians. The Greys collaborate with the reptilians in their quest to conquer death by obtaining the supposed human attribute of possessing a soul. Through the manipulation of human DNA, the Greys seek to create their own souls, aiming to transcend the limitations of the material universe and enter a timeless realm of spirit. However, it is important to emphasize that these claims lack scientific evidence and are not widely accepted

Ear 👂 Piecing

Do you know what Ear Piercing Represents And Why it was invented?
If you turn the human ear upside down,it is the shape of an embryo.The ear lobe represents the head, the feet are towards the top of the ear and the body is in between. The outer edge of the ear (the helix curve) corresponds to the back of the baby as it lies inverted in the womb.

 I find it interesting that the place for everyone’s first ear piercing is right in the middle of the lobe. The head of the embryo (The Ear Lobe) was pierced as it represents "The 3rd Eye".. In ancient times, when our ancestors were in tune with nature if an organ was low in energy, they would use gold earrings and pierce "The 3rd Eye" for stimulation and silver earrings would be used if the organ was overactive. Gemstones were added for therapeutic effects (i.e. ruby to regulate menstruation and enhance fertility) and the benefits were transmitted through the gold or silver.

Oral stories about Keita

Understand Something.Oral stories about Keita say that he was a sickly child. This explains why, when his brothers were killed by the rulers of Ghana, he was spared. Eventually, he became a local leader of the kingdom of Kangaba.

When the Ghana Empire tried to impose trade restrictions on the Malinke, Keita began a revolt. He managed to unite several peoples of West Africa to fight against Ghana's king, Sumanguru; he defeated Sumanguru at the battle of Kirina in 1235 C.E. 

After that, Keita’s generals began to conquer other territories in West Africa. He called his new kingdom the Mali Empire, which would become one of the richest empires in the world.

5D dimension unlocked 🔓

The fifth dimension, in the context of spirituality, is believed to be a realm where energy of the same frequency congregates. It is seen as a space separate from our physical reality, existing alongside and interwoven with it. Within the concept of dimensions, there are countless realms beyond our own, each with its unique properties and characteristics. These dimensions extend beyond the scope of our comprehension, encompassing not only the universe but also multiple universes.

Even within our spiritual bodies, there exist various dimensions, further emphasizing the vastness and complexity of our existence. These dimensions within ourselves may manifest in different ways, allowing us to experience and perceive reality beyond our conventional understanding. As we delve deeper into our spiritual journey and become more awakened, certain aspects of our being awaken as well. It is through this awakening that we can unlock the metaphorical door leading to these other dimensions.

This door acts as a gateway, granting access to another realm of existence. Stepping through this doorway opens up new possibilities and perspectives, enabling us to explore and connect with different dimensions. It is within these dimensions that we may encounter energies and entities vibrating at similar frequencies to ours, facilitating a harmonious interaction and resonance.

In essence, the concept of the fifth dimension and the existence of multiple dimensions beyond our physical realm speaks to the boundless nature of our reality. It suggests that our understanding of the universe and ourselves is but a fraction of a greater whole. Exploring these dimensions and embracing the interconnectedness of our spiritual existence can lead to profound personal growth and expanded consciousness

Reptilians are everywhere

Reptilians are everywhere.They are your celebrities, politicians, and leaders of the world. it’s hard to believe that they are normal human beings; they just seem to be bigger and better than the average person because they are not humans at all.

Reptilians are actually fifteen-feet tall they are shape shifters from another dimension of Draco System who came to Earth and slowly took over our governments and entertainment industry for the sole purpose of enslaving the human race.The reason why you can't see this Reptilians is because they hiding themselves with human cloned bodies.

This are two Reptilians,the one with no human cloned body and the one with human cloned body.

Learn Everything You Can in Time

A person becomes wise when he or she realizes that everything in his or her life is an opportunity to learn something. We all excel at something. Some people excel at many things. No matter how accomplished we are, there is always more to learn. 

The lessons often come in unexpected and surprising ways when people are willing to see life as a learning experience. The people we learn from need not be our peers or superiors in intelligence. Each and every person we interact with can teach something. If we are open to learning the ‘unconventional’ lessons of life, we become wise and inspire those around us to wisdom as well. Let’s turn intelligence into wisdom by learning from each other. 

How many people actually think for themselves, without falling victims to beliefs or ideologies? How many are not heavily influenced by the biased information that the media is presenting them with? How many are choosing to have certain opinions just because an authority figure told them to or because tradition holds them to be true? The reality is that most people don’t know how to think critically, and blindly accept the beliefs that were handed to them by society. But unless one learns to think for oneself, how can one grow into a more conscious, wise person? 

If you’re searching for truth it would be beneficial if you gathered knowledge from as many sources as you can whether that is books, documentaries, Scrolls, internet and so on. Do whatever helps to expand your consciousness. Keep an open mind when learning new things.

Annunaki in Washington D.C.

Annunaki in Washington D.C.
During Richard Nixon's presidency, he faced allegations and conspiracy theories regarding his involvement with extraterrestrial beings known as the Annunaki. It was claimed that on the night of July 1952, unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the shape of triangular crafts, believed to be connected to the Annunaki, descended upon Washington D.C. These sightings occurred multiple times throughout the night, hovering over the capital building.

The connection between Washington D.C. and the Annunaki crafts was speculated to be related to the alignment of the city's monuments with the star systems of Sirius and Orion/Osiris. According to the conspiracy theory, these monuments were purposely positioned to tap into and harness energy from these distant celestial bodies. It was believed that the Annunaki, who were associated with ancient astronaut theories, were somehow involved in this energy manipulation.

It is important to note that these claims and theories regarding Nixon, the Annunaki, and their alleged visitation to Washington D.C. are not supported by scientific evidence and are widely considered to be part of the realm of conspiracy theories. The existence of the Annunaki, as well as their connection to UFO sightings and energy harnessing in Washington D.C., lacks credible substantiation and remains speculative in nature.

In summary, the long-held conspiracy theory suggests that during Richard Nixon's presidency, the Annunaki, extraterrestrial beings, arrived in Washington D.C. in their triangular crafts. The sightings were believed to be connected to the alignment of the city's monuments with star systems such as Sirius and Orion/Osiris, which supposedly allowed for the harnessing of energy from these distant celestial bodies. However, it is crucial to note that these claims are not substantiated by scientific evidence and are widely regarded as conspiracy theories..


Understand Something

Have you discovered who and what you truly are? Whether you know it or not, your Black Consciousness is a thread of Universal Consciousness and your body is a Infinite Reincarnating vehicle for having experiences in this infinite physical reality. 

Ultimately your self is simply pure Consciousness and has no form whatsoever. The self that you have created here in our earthly reality is by no means the all of you. Your true self is not limited to the egoic self that identifies solely with its physical body and its worldly accomplishments and imagines that this is all it is. 

 You are a multi-level composite being that exists at many non-physical levels at once. There are multiple levels to self and ultimately your highest self is Source Consciousness! One cannot understand the nature of SELF without understanding its relation to the nature of the universe. The universe is a field of Energy and everything seen and unseen are simply patterns of energy, matter, electromagnetic radiation, etc. And here's the kicker, this energy field is Consciousness.

 Consciousness is embedded in the fabric of the universe and everything is conscious to some degree like an atom, a rock, a cell, a plant, an animal, a human. Of course current mainstream science isn't aware of this, but hey, there's a lot of stuff they haven't figured out yet. 

They've been ignoring or ridiculing the work of a small group of free thinking scientists, around the world, that have been digging deeper into this for the past twenty years or so. You are God in human form.Jesus is just a deception to praise and worship to prevent your from knowing that you're God and they fear the day you discover it.

Black People 🥇

Black people are 9 ether beings and all this other races are 6 ether beings.Nine ether who put matter in the orders called Multi-verses, it stands to nine reason that those original carbon living beings in the Multi-verses would naturally represent the living Universe, and those original living carbon beings were Woolly-Haired ether utopian Pygmies and their descendants called "Ptahkind". 

Hence, mankind represents the Universe in death which is evolution. Just like any other living being, the Universe is born, grows, matures.6ether dies and 9ether reincarnates. 6ether changes to ghosts and 9 ether are reborn. We don’t die.

The law of Attraction 🧲

The law of Attraction won't work if you're concerned with how the next person is acting,you can manifest your own Destiny.Physical strength don't matter if you're not strong mentally.

The dream is still alive and the power's still need to re-write the code and re-route the light to find you.Don't quit.Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a Champion.Never give up on your Dreams cause your got this.You are Awesome.

The beauty of our Dreams lies not in their size,but in the strength of our determination to make them a reality.If you can't fly,run.If you can't run,walk.If you can't walk,crawl.but whatever you are doing,you must keep on going forward. because if you want to live like a king,you have to work like a Slave.

The Hermetic Law of Genders

The Hermetic Law of Genders helps us understand that the masculine – feminine is of Ma’at the balance principle is at work in all things on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. On the physical plane, the principle of gender is manifested as sex, and on higher planes it manifests as dimensions of power and rule.

Each and every individual has both dimensions at work within. Both male and female, masculine and feminine, father and mother, mater and pater, reside within each individual on deep psychic levels. 

The typical male gender characteristics of dominion, conquest, provider, and planter represent the counterpart to typical female traits of nurturing, communicating, relating, and conceiving. The wisdom of the universe has designed it so that generation, reproduction, and creation are not possible without both dimensions, masculine and feminine, unifying. 

Nothing can be effectively produced without the interfuse of these two dimensions. The seed without the womb cannot produce life, and its opposite holds true. The Law of Gender unfolds the mystery of the universe and represents the fountain of all wisdom as it relates to assisting humanity in finding resolution to the challenges of human relations and in the human discovery of global solutions.

The Inner Earh

For a few million years the Inner Earth has been home to a very highly advanced civilization, called Agartha. This world consists of a large continent and more than 120 underground cities. Its citizenry is a gathering of different heritages, cultures and races. The vast majority have lived on the surface and have disappeared to the inner Earth such as the ancestors of Hyperborea, Atlantis, Lemuria and even Nazi-Germany. All live peacefully and in total harmony with nature. They are in regular contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Many animal species already extinct on the surface, like mammoths and saber tooth tigers, live in the inner Earth. Everything is better, cleaner and especially bigger! There are "Avatar" like trees, hundreds of yards tall. Grapes grow as big as plums and are more flavorful than we know them on the surface. Especially the hydroponic tomato is reportedly a sensation.

Some cities the people are much bigger than our types, some are over 12 feet tall. These were the people who first greeted the Norse fisherman, Olaf Jansen, during his unbelievable sea journey in the nineteenth century. One can only imagine how he must have felt when these giants invited him and his father onto their boat. 

Agarthans live longer than we do. Some of their 'pensioners' live to be 30,000 years old. Because aging is not a factor in their lives, most of them choose to look around 30 or 40 years old, while in reality they could be much older. When an Agarthan feels a certain incarnation has been completed, they can leave their body at will.

There is no use of money in Agartha. People use the barter system and there is plenty of everything for everyone. Energy is free. The cities are accommodated with moving sidewalks and for shorter distances a sort of scooter is used. An electromagnetic system called "the tube" is used for travel from one city to another.

Truth of Anunnaki Exposed

Governments concealed the truth about the age of Aquarius and the impending spiritual takeover. They hid information under the pretext of confidentiality and security risks.

 The return of the Anunnaki, aboard the mothership called "Niribu/Nibiru," was known to governments, but they feared revealing it due to potential collapse of economic and religious systems. Niribu/Nibiru is approaching and growing in size, prompting Draconian Reptilians to seek refuge in bunkers as judgment day unfolds. It signifies the end

The Sirius Dog Star

Since the dawn of time, the Sirius Dog Star, also known as Alpha Canis Majoris has been a focal point for many legends and myths. 

Sirius is the most important star in the sky when it comes to humanity’s evolution. It’s believed that Earth is heading towards a Sirian culture at a rather rapid rate. 

These beautiful souls come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius B is a ‘water’ planet that is supposed to house dolphins, whales, and merpeople. It vibrates at an incredibly high, non-physical, 6D frequency. It is widely believed that these two planets gave rise to the awakening of humans.

Sirians are the peacekeepers and guardians of the world. Their sole aim is to watch over our evolution and guide us during times of turbulence. Their secondary mission involves bringing divine harmony, love, and peace to all those who walk this Earth. 

Sirian Traits:
* Drawn to the Sirius star system
* Lead a simple, but spiritual life
* Very open minded
* Struggle to express personal feelings
* “Gaia’s people”: very drawn to caring for our Earth during evolution
* Very loyal as friends
* Maintain a tight-knit circle of friends
* Fantastic sense of humor and not afraid to act silly
* Feel like they have a mission to save animals or nature
* Drawn to lost civilizations, myths and legends
* Calm and adjusted
* Intense daydreamers
* May be attracted to the ocean and water if from Sirius B
* Have a difficult time expressing emotions in relationships
* The Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids to align with the Sirius constellation, a homage to the Egyptian goddess of magic, motherhood and fertility. 

Depending on how well they know someone, they might seem reserved or quiet at first, but inside they’re a beam of light and hope. They struggle to express their emotions fully and often feel misunderstood by partners and friends.

Sirians can take time to blossom socially, but once they do they can be the most loyal, trustworthy, and reliable people you know.

Mystical Agartha

Beneath our very feet lies a world shrouded in mystery and fascination—the inner earth, known as Agartha. According to ancient legends and mythologies, this hidden realm is believed to have been inhabited by our ancestors. Referred to by different names such as the underworld, Shamballah, or Agartha, this enigmatic place is said to possess its own sun, known as the black sun. Within its depths, stories speak of colossal beings, mythical creatures like unicorns and mermaids, and even remnants of the prehistoric era, including dinosaurs. In this article, we delve into the captivating lore surrounding Agartha and explore the immense landscapes that allegedly exist within this mythical domain.

The Legends of Agartha:
Agartha has been part of various ancient narratives and folklore across different cultures. Ausar, an ancient Egyptian deity, described it as the underworld—a place where souls embark on their journey after death. Similarly, Tibetan Buddhism refers to Shamballah, a hidden city within the Earth that serves as a spiritual sanctuary. These accounts depict Agartha as a realm that connects the physical and spiritual worlds, symbolizing a deeper level of existence beyond our ordinary perception.

The Black Sun and Inner Illumination:
A distinct characteristic attributed to Agartha is its black sun. Unlike the celestial sun that lights up the surface of the Earth, the black sun is said to radiate an esoteric energy that nourishes the inner realms of Agartha. Some interpret this black sun as a metaphor for inner illumination, symbolizing the profound wisdom and enlightenment that can be attained through inner exploration and self-discovery.

The Inhabitants of Agartha:
According to the legends surrounding Agartha, diverse beings reside within this hidden realm. Reports of giants roaming its vast expanses have fascinated generations. These colossal creatures, said to be remnants of an ancient race, inspire awe and intrigue. Additionally, Agartha is believed to be a haven for mythical creatures, including unicorns and mermaids. Whether these beings exist in a physical or metaphysical form, their presence in the lore of Agartha sparks imagination and curiosity.

Enormous Landscapes and Breathtaking Scenery:
Described as a land of abundant forests, immense rivers, and vast seas, Agartha's landscapes are said to be awe-inspiring. Ancient texts depict towering trees reaching towards the heavens, creating a canopy of greenery. Expansive rivers meander through these lush forests, nourishing the life that thrives within. Seas of unimaginable beauty are believed to exist in Agartha, harboring mysteries yet to be unraveled. The sheer scale and grandeur of these mythical environments paint a picture of a world untouched by human hands.

While the existence of Agartha and its fantastical inhabitants remains a matter of speculation and folklore, the allure and enchantment surrounding this hidden realm continue to captivate our imaginations. Whether Agartha is a physical reality or a metaphorical representation of a deeper, spiritual dimension, it serves as a reminder of humanity's unquenchable thirst for discovery and the mysteries that lie beyond our everyday experiences. The legends of Agartha inspire us to explore the depths of our own consciousness and embrace the wonders that exist within our collective imagination.

warrior Goddess of healing

Understand Something.Sekhmet, Kemites warrior Goddess of healing, led the Kemites fiercely into battle. Her Ferocious Lion Visage attests to the courage and brutality of her spirit. In this gorgeous depiction, Sekhmet reigns from her throne as protector of Pharaohs.

 Her adornments, crafted in stunning detail, all establish her as nubian royalty. She wears a Uraeus diadem which represents divine authority. She wields a long crane-headed staff of Ta meri sovereignty in her right hand and the ankh symbol of eternal life in her left.

The Dome Firmament

Understand this ,The cushnites and Kemites considered the earths inner interior, flat and oblong, the sky being its ceiling a huge firmament nut was consider the primordial waters of metal. 

At the four corners of the earth were the pillars supporting this firmament, and on this solid sky were the waters above the heavens.

They believed that,when chaos was taking form, one of the ntru by main force raised the waters on high and spread them out over the firmament that on the under side of this solid vault, or ceiling, or firmament, the stars were suspended to light the earth, and that the rains were caused by the letting down of the waters through its windows.

This idea and others connected with it seem to have taken strong hold of the Kemites priestly hood entering into their theology and sacred science ceilings of great temples, with stars, constellations, worlds, and signs of the zodiac figured upon them, remain to-day as striking evidences of this.

Internet is not connected by satellite 🛰️📡

Internet is not connected by Satellites because Satellites are Myths,they don't exist.Even today no pilot have seen a Satellites because they don't exist.
A submarine communications cable is a cable laid on the sea bed between land-based stations to carry telecommunication signals across stretches of ocean and sea.

The first submarine communications cables laid beginning in the 1850s carried telegraphy traffic, establishing the first instant telecommunications links between continents, such as the first transatlantic telegraph cable which became operational on 16 August 1858.

The backbone of the internet,the data superhighway that connects the world's online computer networks ,is a web of fibre-optic cables between continents and land masses,the internet relies on cables crossings the sea floor.

Indigenous Race

Understand Something.The indigenous race is the relics of early settlements of melaninated beings. The carbon beings are the remnants of the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans came from the lost city of Atlantis. 

The carbon beings were the first of the seven sub-races of the Atlantean root race called the Rmoahals. According to late Justice Adewale Thompson in his Black Peoples of the World (1995),the Yorubas are a prehistoric race. Obatala, Oduduwa, Orunmila, and others are heroes in the antediluvian dynasty.

Antediluvian belongs to the time before the biblical flood. They were the survivors of the flood of Atlantis. They were the Rmoahal race of Atlantis. They were Atlanteans. It was from this race that the present blacks of West Africa descended. And the Yoruba language is an Atlantean language came into existence.

powerful activation

There is an extremely powerful activation taking place in all Starseed souls as well as in all souls coming from this Universe, as it has been happening at an accelerated rate in recent years, as has been Divinely granted.
These are the expanded mission activations and special assignments that these souls have accepted, in order to activate and fully anchor the New Golden Age in the New Earth, as we now accelerate into the higher states of the 5th and 7th dimensions.

There will be a deep trigger when you read this in the depths of your soul.
The Ancient Earth Matrix is being completely dismantled. Cut yourself off completely.
You are no longer the same you used to be.
Remember the truth of who you are and move forward in your mission!

The power of the New Age is sweeping humanity as more and more souls are awakened to this huge wave of cosmic activation. you can learn to activate the power by adding a simple 7-minute ritual to your morning routine.
You will feel it in every part of your body. Going through a huge calibration and rebuild right now.

Reptilians, reptoids or draconians,

Reptilians, reptoids or draconians,they are among us ,among our government leaders. They are often associated with the Illuminati and the New World Order.

The reptilians are an ancient race that came to Earth a long time ago, manifesting their hidden interests in enslaving humanity. They originated from the Alpha Draconis star system in the constellation of Draco. There are several variations on their physical appearance but the most common one describes them as reptilian humanoids ranging in height from 5 to 12 feet ( 1.5 to 3.7 meters). 

Their bodies are covered in dark green or brown scales, they have snake-like heads and have a taste for human blood.
Perhaps the most frightening thing about the reptilians is their shape-shifting mind-control ability. This allows them to rule the world by infiltrating any and all political and economical structures in our governments.

The shape-shifting reptilians control the Earth by taking on human form and manipulating society through political power. The Bush family and the royal British lineage are reptilians including the Pope's and Vatican's, Rockefellers and Rothschild.The American President "Joe Biden" is also a Reptilian.

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