Thapelo Moremi

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Human Body

The human body is the most electrically thing in our environment. We were naturally grounding ourselves with our bare feet on the earth, which healed us, boosted our immune system & vibration. Wild animals don't suffer from these modern day health disorders because they our one with nature. Each of these areas in our feet correspond with a certain organ in the body.

 They gave us rubber sole shoes because rubber is known to be an insulator and can limit the transfer of electricity. If they know of this information its clear they don't have the best interest for us.

parasite 🪱 & Cooking 🍖

There is a common misconception that cooking pork and beef meat at any temperature will kill the worms and parasites that may be present. However, it's important to note that proper cooking techniques can effectively eliminate these pathogens. 🍖🔥

While it is true that some pork and beef can harbor parasites, it's essential to highlight that not all meat is infected. Additionally, proper cooking practices, such as reaching the recommended internal temperature, can eliminate any potential parasites. It's crucial to follow safe food handling and cooking guidelines to ensure the meat is safe to consume. 🍽️

It is inaccurate to claim that consuming pork and beef automatically means your intestines and gut are filled with parasites. The human body has natural defenses and mechanisms to prevent and eliminate parasitic infections. However, in some cases, undercooked or contaminated meat can lead to parasitic infections. It's essential to handle and cook meat properly to minimize the risk. ✋🐛

The statement that 90% of the food cravings and junk food choices are due to parasites inside the body is not supported by scientific evidence. Food cravings can stem from a variety of factors, including taste preferences, emotional states, and cultural influences. While some parasites can alter host behavior, it is not accurate to attribute all food cravings to them. 🍔❌

Parasites and worms can indeed live inside the human body for extended periods, but they are typically rare occurrences. Most commonly, parasitic infections are caused by ingesting contaminated food or water, not solely from consuming pork or beef. Maintaining good hygiene practices, such as washing hands before eating and cooking food thoroughly, can significantly reduce the risk of parasitic infections. 👐🦠

The claim that pouring cola drinks like coke or Pepsi on raw pork and beef meat will reveal all the parasites inside is unfounded. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Proper food inspection and handling processes are necessary to identify any signs of contamination or parasites in meat products. It's always recommended to rely on trusted sources for food safety information. ❌🥩

For accurate and reliable information on safe food handling practices and preventing parasitic infections, it is advisable to refer to reputable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These organizations provide evidence-based guidelines to ensure food safety and reduce the risk of parasitic infections. 🌍🔬

Remember, practicing proper hygiene, cooking meat thoroughly, and obtaining information from reliable sources are essential steps in minimizing the risk of foodborne illnesses and parasitic infections. Stay informed and make informed decisions about your food choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 🍏😊

World Health Organization (WHO):
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

The book of Jesus

Understand Something.Jesus never died for your sins because both Jesus and sin are Hoaxes.Jesus was born in a book.he lived all his life in a book.he died in a book.He resurrected in a book.he ascended to heaven in a book and he can only come back in a book.

Jesus can only come back in another book not in reality.

It is impossible for someone that exist in a book to show up in reality and Waiting for a book character to come save you in realty is equivalent to waiting to board a ship in the airport.

Jesus is a cheap lie.

Get over it.

Nommos: Guardians of Zendikar

The Nommos are a fascinating race of Beings 🧜‍♂️ that are known for their nomadic nature and incredible shape-shifting abilities. 🌟 They have the remarkable ability to transform into various forms, including dolphins, whales, and mermaids. 🐬🐋🧜‍♀️ These transformations allow them to adapt to different environments and connect with the aquatic world around them.

Originating from a planet in the Sirius star system, the Nommos call a world of mostly warm aqua-blue water their home. 🌍💦 This planet provides them with the ideal habitat for their aquatic forms, allowing them to thrive and live harmoniously within its watery depths.

In addition to their shape-shifting capabilities, the Nommos also hold an important role as guardians and guides to the Etheric Sirians. The Etheric Sirians are a soul group often associated with black people here on Earth. 🌌👥 The Etheric Sirians were given Zendikar as their new home when their original home, Sirius B, experienced a catastrophic event and imploded. This event prompted their migration and resettlement to Zendikar, where they could continue their spiritual journey.

It is important to note that the dolphins and whales associated with the Nommos are not mere animals but rather manifestations of the Nommos themselves. 🌊🐬 These incredible beings utilize their transformational abilities to connect with the Earth's oceans, becoming the embodiment of wisdom, grace, and guidance in the marine world.

The Nommos, as nomadic beings with their unique shapeshifting abilities, serve as a reminder of the vastness and diversity of life in the universe. Their connection to the aquatic realms and their role as guardians and guides highlights the interconnectedness between different beings and the importance of unity in our cosmic journey. 🌌🌍✨

Less to live than lived

I know that I have less to live than I have lived.
I feel like a child who was given a box of chocolates. He enjoys eating it, and when he sees that there is not much left, he starts to eat them with a special taste.

I have no time for endless lectures on public laws - nothing will change. And there is no desire to argue with fools who do not act according to their age. And there's no time to battle the gray. I don't attend meetings where egos are inflated and I can't stand manipulators.

I am disturbed by envious people who try to vilify the most capable to grab their positions, talents and achievements.

I have too little time to discuss headlines - my soul is in a hurry.
Too few candies left in the box.

I'm interested in human people. People who laugh at their mistakes are those who are successful, who understand their calling and don't hide from responsibility. Who defends human dignity and wants to be on the side of truth, justice, righteousness. This is what living is for.
I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch the hearts of others. Who, through the blows of fate, was able to rise and maintain the softness of the soul.

Yes, I hustle, I hustle to live with the intensity that only maturity can give. I'll eat all the candy I have left - they'll taste better than the ones I already ate.My goal is to reach the end in harmony with myself and my loved ones.

know thyself

"Know Thyself" is an ancient wisdom that holds the key to self-discovery and personal transformation. By exploring your inner landscape and unlocking hidden secrets within, you embark on a courageous journey of self-knowing. This process requires self-awareness, patience, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

Through introspection, you unravel the layers that shape your identity, heal past wounds, and integrate all aspects of your being. This inner exploration reveals hidden talents and passions, empowering you to make conscious choices aligned with your authentic self.

In the hermetic tradition, knowing oneself reflects the interconnectedness of the microcosm and macrocosm. As you understand your individual experience, you gain insights into the workings of the universe.

Unlocking the secrets within is an alchemical process of transmutation, turning ignorance and fear into self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love. Embrace this lifelong journey, cultivating curiosity, courage, and reverence for the depths of your being.

So, fearlessly dive into the essence of who you are, explore your inner landscape, and unlock the treasures that lead to self-realization.

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